Title: Sight words
Author: Shelly Yamnitz
Grade: 1st
NE Standards:
Student will learn various high frequency sight words by playing Steal the Words card game. They will then identify these words in the context of choral reading a book.
64 notecards, each card printed with a word on it twice, one right-side-up, one upside down, Several books for the students to pick from
Anticipatory Set:
Sight words are very important in building the confidence of beginning readers. By giving students repeated exposure to individual sight words, it will be easier for them to pick the words out and read them in context. This will add to the natural, flowing pace of reading that is every child's goal. Placing the learning of sight words in a game format makes this overwhelming task less of a chore and adds fun. Also, it's important to follow the game of learning the words with reading a book, to emphasize to the students the value of knowing the words.
Students sight word list
Deal 4 cards to each student and have them lay them out in front of them facing up. Lay 4 cards out in the center of the students. Explain the rules to the students as follows:
-whoever picks the word with the most letters goes first
-when it's your turn, if you have a word that matches one in the middle of the
circle, you can take the card and add it to a private pile of your own.
You can only take a card when you read the word on it. Always keep four cards per student and four cards in the middle.
-another way to add cards to your individual private pile is when it's your turn,
if you have a card that matches the top card on someone else's private pile,
you can say the word and take that person's entire private pile.
-the game continues until all the cards are matched
-the student with the most cards wins
Provision for special needs:
After they play the game, read through all of the sight word notecards with the students again. Then allow them to choose a book that they want to read. Have the students choral read the book with the teacher. Whenever a student successfully reads one of the sight words just learned, point this out to them. Be sure and provide any needed help with the more difficult words they may not know yet.