Title: The Teacher’s Magic Book
Author: Gladys Ullstam
Grade: 2
NE Standards:
1.1.5, 1.1.4
In this activity, students will:
Make and adjust predictions.
Listen to a story and brainstorm ideas.
Participate in a discussion about predicting what would happen if their teacher brought a magic box to school.
Create a page for a class book by finishing the writing
Start "If your teacher brought in a magic box...," and then illustrating the page.
This activity requires the following resources:
Uncle Ivan's Magic Box by Helen Zane Jensen
Writing paper with the start "If your teacher
brought in a magic box, _____________________"
written on it, and with room for illustrations.
Anticipatory Set:
Before beginning, explain to the students that they will
be writing a class book about this topic after listening
to the story.
Before beginning, explain to the students that they will
be writing a class book about this topic after listening
to the story. Read the story to the first stop (page 2). The students
confirm, refine, or reject their initial hypotheses and
justify their ideas with reference to the text. Students
will make new hypotheses.
Questions: What is the story about?
What do you think will happen next?
Why do you say that?
Teacher reads the next section and follows the
procedure in the previous step. This cycle continues
until text is read.
Questions: What has happened?
How did your predictions turn out?
What do you think will happen now?
Why do you say that?
What else might happen?
Once the story is finished, revisit the ideas in the story.
Questions: How did the story end?
How did your predictions turn out? Brainstorm a list of ideas of what might happen if their teacher brought a magic box in school. Write down the
children's ideas as they are given. Show students a sample of the page for the book that
they will make. Model the thinking process for deciding
what to write and the illustrations to draw.
Provision for special needs:
Have students make their own individual page. If
needed, have students dictate their endings to the
start. Once the endings are written down, they can
illustrate their pages.
The teacher will assess the students through observation and
analysis of classroom discussion. She may also assess by
evaluating the class book pages created by the students.